WRIGHT-PATTERSON AFB, OH -- On 24 October 2022, the Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul initiative (MROi) team "went live" in Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) Octane. This marked the culmination of a six-month proof-of-concept effort involving the three Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) programs and ERP Common Services (ERP CS) validating Octane as a replacement for the antiquated ALM Quality Center (QC) client-server test tool. Octane is a modern, clientless web application that is inherently supportive of Agile programs. It was developed and is being sustained using the Scaled Agile Framework methodology. ALM Octane includes integrated planning, continuous integration, test management, and release management. The initial user response to Octane has been overwhelmingly positive.
While planning the migration of data from ALM QC, the MROi team recognized the opportunity to include related Feature Refinement data being maintained in an Excel spreadsheet and to configure Octane's user screens and workflows to facilitate a more accurate and reliable Feature Refinement process. The team continues to explore Octane's capabilities with an eye to its role in a fully integrated/automated DevSecOps pipeline.
MROi is in the Acquisition, Testing, and Deployment phase, and these capabilities have greatly enhanced the MROi Capability Delivery Teams with insight, traceability, and analytics-focused end-to-end visibility during development with Limited Deployment 2 for Minimum Viable Product 4 (Estimated Completion Date April 2024) to deliver high-quality software.
The Maintenance Repair and Overhaul initiative (MROi) is a Doctrine, Organization, Training, Materiel, Leadership, Personnel, Facilities, and Policies (DOTMLPF-P) transformation and standardization of both the business processes and enabling materiel solution. MROi will provide the Air Force Sustainment Center (AFSC) with an integrated capability for planning, scheduling, and executing organic depot maintenance to support agile planning, optimized
workload assignment, resource allocation, integrated quality, and maintenance-driven Department of the Air Force Working Capital Fund (DAF WCF) financials auditability. This integrated capability, by definition, represents a critical step forward toward the resolution of the Air Force's Integrated Financial Systems Material Weakness.
MROi will implement a configured Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software product with the required report, interface, conversion, extension, and workflow (RICE-W) objects. MROi will support approximately 20,000 users as it fields through a series of incremental software builds under an agile software development program.
MROi will implement throughout all AFSC product lines to include commodities, electronics, missiles, propulsion, aircraft, software, and maintenance support groups. MROi's incremental implementation will include transitional interfaces with various legacy systems to support continuous operations within the depot maintenance and supporting financials environment. MROi will provide standard business operations for all Air Force sustainment customers.