Ms. Yolanda McCain, Director

This picture depicts Ms. McCain in front of the US flag and a gradient gray background.


Create a culture that looks to Small Business first for innovative, agile, affordable, and timely solutions to meet the evolving needs of our warfighter.

To champion Small Business and their ability to provide relevant solutions to meet the needs of the warfighter by advocating for acquisition strategies that provide maximum practical SB participation, performing industry outreach and connecting the best small business partners and their solutions with the right Air Force requirement.



490 East Moore Drive
Building 892, Suite 110C
Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex 36114

Small News Q3FY24

Expiring Contract Listing - Looking for opportunities to participate in Air Force acquisitions, Air Force Life Cycle Management Center (AFLCMC) and/or Gunter Annex?  Click here Expiring Contract FY24-26 or the link in the SB Opportunities section below to view a listing expiring contracts FY24 – FY26 across Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC).  Note the listing contains information across AFMC and is provided as a resource ONLY.  Additional information regarding BES acquisitions will be published in the BES Smart Guide (see the link SB Opportunities below) within 18 months of contract expiration.


Happening Around SB (90 Day Outlook)

Masterclass: System for Award Management (SAM) and USA Spending

To be successful, small business breaking into to the DoD and Department of the Air Force market sector need to have a thorough understanding of the vast repository of data available including industry sectors, spend, what awards are being made, who’s winning the awards, and what opportunities exist. These are just a few of the data points needed to answer one of the most basic and essential marketing questions: Who buys what I am selling? Of course, most small businesses cannot afford to hire a data analyst to query the systems needed to answer these questions. What to do? Attend this collider and we will be arming you with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively query the Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS) and USA Spending. You will leave with the know-how to not only answer the basic question above as well as many more, including: Who also sells what I am selling? How do I identify an opportunity? Who and where is the buying office? and, How much spend is in my sector and who is spending?

Be your own expert. Register today and be in the first SAM and USA Spending Masterclass!


26-29 August 2024 – The Department of the Air Force Information Technology and Cyberspace Conference (DAFITC).  Visit for more information.