Mr. Anthony Byrd, Chief

Mr. Anthony Byrd is the Logistics Portfolio Business Office chief serving as the forward-facing office to GB4 Logistics Super Division in support Enterprise Logistics Readiness and Maintenance & Installation Systems portfolios. He leads the GB4 Business Office to standardized process and procedures across the Enterprise Logistics Portfolios.  His ultimate goal is streamline and optimize cross cutting efforts to facilitate contracting compliance efforts of the 700+ member organization.

GB4X, Business Portfolio Office

Mission Statement:

Be the strategic tool to provide advice and assistance to the GB4 leadership and workforce to instill standardization and accountability in the overall acquisition, sustainment, and acquisition execution process and achieve the GB4 leadership’s vision.

Serve as the primary entry point for all inquiries and support, perform program assessment, track program status; leverage lessons learned across the GBM and GBS portfolios; administration POC for policy development.

Who are our customers:


Value we bring to the organizations:

  • Early communications with acquisition CDMs
  • Leveraging lessons learned
    • Agile Processes
  • ​Execution standardization
    • Software Quality Review
  • ​Focal point for all things acquisition
    • Clinger Cohen Act (CCA)
    • System on-boarding