AMREP Live in Torque

  • Published
  • By Michael Valpey

On Feb. 5, 2024, the Aircraft Maintenance Production/Compression Report (AMREP) system was deployed in the Torque platform by the 309th Software Engineering Group.

AMREP performs Air Force organic and contract depot flow day execution calculations, to facilitate Air Logistics Complex (ALC) depot operations. AMREP consolidation into Torque is the first milestone for standing up an Air Force enterprise Aircraft Fleet Management capability, to provide continuity across the depot, base, and flightline levels of maintenance.

Torque, which is an aircraft maintenance software, is used to pull and transfer data between various applications and integrate collected information into a consolidated location. Torque will support fleet scheduling actions for better programmed depot maintenance and aircraft modification forecasts, and its successful subsumption of AMREP enables a cloud-based status reporting system for aircraft undergoing maintenance at Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC) and contractor depot facilities.

AMREP provides a more intuitive and user-centered design, gaining end-user efficiencies by reducing workflow task times by as much as 50%, and reduces the number of application pages or screens by 78percent, saving users time gathering and entering data. This “born in the Cloud” system also will connect to the Basing and Logistics Analytics Data Environment (BLADE), to enable a high degree of leadership visibility and analysis for improving aircraft fleet management.

This joint Business and Enterprise Systems and Air Force Logistics, Engineering, and Force Protection (A4) Strike Team consolidation will save the United States Air Force $4.8 million over the next five years, compared to continuing to sustain the stand-alone AMREP system.