CON-IT Reaches Critical Weapon Systems MVP Milestone

  • Published
  • By George Sarmiento

Since 1997, weapon systems contracting personnel have used ConWrite to write and track contracts.

In 2018, the Contracting Information Technology (CON-IT) system was established as the contract management system for the Department of the Air Force (DAF). CON-IT continues to improve functionality, save time, and decrease costs to support the United States Air Force and beyond.

CON-IT has now reached an imperative milestone to meet the goal of functionality for the entire enterprise; Weapon Systems Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is now deployed to CON-IT users. Weapon Systems contracting includes large scale programs such as helicopters, missiles, and fighter jets.

As of April 1, 2024, CON-IT has over 6,000 users at over 270 procurement organizations with approximately 335,000 contracting actions and approximately $112 billion obligated. The Weapon Systems MVP includes capabilities required for large weapon systems contracts. Among these capabilities is the ability to create an award or modification classified as an Undefinitized Contract Action (UCA).

Another large capability imperative for weapon systems is the improved functionality for managing funding and adding the ability to fund line items with multiple purchase requests (PRs).

With the release of the UCAs capability in CON-IT, contracting personnel can now associate and track line items with undefinitized identifiers. Contracting personnel will now be able to include specialized clauses and definitization schedules required for UCAs. In addition to the enhanced award, mod capabilities, we’ve also added new tools to help manage and report on UCAs.

Since weapon systems contracts tend to be large contracts both in number of years and dollar value, another crucial upgraded effort included in Weapon Systems MVP relates to funding management and multiple PRs. Users can manage funding throughout the acquisition process so that they are aware of funding changes happening in financial systems. Users can now associate multiple PRs on a single line item. This will allow for better tracking of funds and reduce the amount of line items required for funding.

With more than 6,000 contracts needing to be migrated from ConWrite to CON-IT, several code changes were required to allow migration to happen. Continual efforts to comply with the Procurement Data Standard versions 2.6.1 and 2.6.2 will improve performance and help speed up migration effort. With the release of the Weapon Systems MVP for contracting, CON-IT is one step closer to being the next generation contract writing systems for the DAF and beyond.